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Ministerial visionary, an Intercessory trailblazer amongst her peers, and spiritual mentor

to many, Pastor Felecia Bratton, founded Rehoboth Worship Church located in Fairburn,

Georgia on May 9, 2010. Since its inception, the church has grown and through her teaching many lives have been changed.


She is a proud native of Miami, Florida, but upon graduating from high school, Pastor

Bratton relocated to Atlanta, Georgia to attend Clark Atlanta University. After receiving her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration/Management, she made Atlanta her home. As for her professional career, she served as Director of Auxiliary Services at her alma mater Clark Atlanta University for 20 years before retiring for full-time ministry.


In 1992, Pastor Bratton was called into the ministry and she accepted the call and was

later licensed and ordained in 1995, under the leadership of her spiritual mother, Apostle Perry L. Clemons of Harvest of Restoration Ministries, Inc., in Atlanta, Georgia. From the very beginning, both her life and her ministry have been guided by God.


Under God’s instruction, Pastor Bratton operates in her gift in the office of a prophet,

pastor, evangelist and teacher. She humbly allows God to use her as a mouthpiece to make His divine will known to many. Pastor Bratton speaks boldly for the Lord and she does not compromise His word in any way. She speaks according to the mandate of God. When Pastor Bratton operates under the prophetic anointing, her spiritual discernment is keen and true deliverance takes place in the lives of those who are willing to receive and act on the Word of the Lord. The Lord has blessed her with a special gift to usher in the anointing that brings forth healing, restoration and financial breakthroughs, and He has given her a heart to intercede for His people.


Throughout her years of ministry, many souls have been healed and set free through the

prophetic anointing that is upon her life. She has spoken at numerous conferences, crusades, revivals and in prisons, but her heart is in mentoring young women by helping to cultivate their spiritual gifts.


She founded a weekly Bible study at Clark Atlanta University and hosted a weekly radio

broadcast in Atlanta. She also hosted a weekly television broadcast on the gospel station WTJH in Atlanta, Georgia. Currently, she leads a weekly Prayer Conference Call on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5:00 a.m., with a group of intercessors from various states.


As a faithful servant of God, Pastor Bratton has devoted her life to doing the will of the

Lord, for she knows that “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. –Psalm 91:1


Sunday Worship Service, 10:00 a.m.

Word Wednesday Bible Study, 7:00 p.m.

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P.O. Box 1206

Fairburn, GA 30213


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