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Motivational Monday

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." -Psalms 51:10


Seek God for a clean heart that is pleasing to Him that you may serve Him. Forgiveness is one of the most rewarding actions to get you to a place of peace. We sometimes don’t forgive others nor ourselves, which can hold us in complete bondage. But how can we love and live in abundance if we are chained to unforgiveness. God’s forgiveness allows us to wake up daily with new mercies, so why aren’t we doing the same? Start this week with forgiving yourself and others and you will feel the weight of unforgiveness lift off your life and restoration will be filled in your heart. When you do this it will allow you to serve God in the way He deserves.

Be blessed this week and always. Faith > Fear.

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