Fresh Fire Friday
"Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." -Proverbs 3:6 (NLT)
So often we are living smaller lives than what God has for us. We allow God to speak to us about our life and the plans He has for us but we don’t walk it out completely with Him. It’s as if we allow Him to only make a suggestion of what we should be doing when it comes to things such as our marriage, job opportunities, relocating, or entrepreneurship. We settle for a smaller “safer” decision without giving any more thought to God’s will for us likely out of fear. Have you ever thought that these smaller “safer” decisions have had a greater impact on our lives in a negative way? Many times we end up in more stressful situations or working harder because we didn’t follow His path. We think that we aren’t qualified for certain things due to our current situations when in actuality God has qualified us. When we ask God to show us His will we must follow through. We must not only have faith but believe what He has said. I encourage you to continue inviting God into any and every decision you make in life. Do not move until you hear from Him and let Him be the head of your life. He has already gone before us and knows what lies ahead. Your seek for Him will show you the way, but it’s up to you to follow through!
Be Blessed!