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Motivational Monday

"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?" -1 John 3:17


As the body of Christ, we are to help others even when we are going through. It’s easy to be consumed by our own inadequacies and issues that we can lose sight of what others are dealing with. There’s nothing like realizing that your situation isn’t as bad when you see others facing bigger demons and sometimes we have to step out of ourselves to help them through. This week, challenge yourself to love others as Jesus loves us. Portray different acts of kindness to those who you may see are dealing with different challenges in there lives. There is always someone going through more so take the time to reach out others. Be a blessing to someone in need. My prayer is that whatever anyone is going through, stay in the fight for trouble doesn’t last always. Be blessed this week and always! Faith conquers Fear!

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